Live video for footbal lover from Carlsberg Web-TV channel
Are you a footbal manic? Which team do you like? Now you can play the video clips about football funnies and rituals from the Football Magic channel or the bizarre story about fans in the stand and how fan culture sometimes go beyond reason.
Ya, just go to to watch those cool live video from Carlsberg Web-TV channel. This web-tv has just been released by Carlsberg. They launched 5 channels showing all aspects about football from the classic football matches to life as a fan. You can also upload your own favourite football and fan moments. for more information please visit

Ya, just go to to watch those cool live video from Carlsberg Web-TV channel. This web-tv has just been released by Carlsberg. They launched 5 channels showing all aspects about football from the classic football matches to life as a fan. You can also upload your own favourite football and fan moments. for more information please visit

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